At the heart of our school is a belief in the power of learning. Therefore we teach children to become powerful learners – to be focused on learning, to ask questions, to persevere, to be adaptable and to apply their learning.
We believe that children learn best when they are motivated, pro-active and enjoying their learning. Therefore we place great emphasis on delivering a thematic curriculum though practical, first hand experiences in real-life contexts. This includes many school trips, workshops and special events. Our most recent OFSTED report states that ‘the implementation of a creative curriculum engages pupils and provides opportunities to apply basic skills, as well as offering wide ranging spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities’.
We use a wide range of strategies in our teaching that takes into account the different ways children learn. Pupils have opportunities to work individually, with a partner, in groups and in whole class situations. We also believe that parents play an important role in their children’s learning and we have a strong commitment to developing links with home and school.
In our most recent OFSTED inspection ‘inspectors frequently observed good or outstanding learning as a result of the typically good and sometimes outstanding teaching’.