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We have a fantastic Nursery at Childeric and a great Nursery team.  You are very welcome to be shown around.  Please phone or email the school to arrange a visit.

We can admit 100 children into our Nursery at Childeric; 50 for the morning session (9.00 am - 12.00 pm) and 50 for the afternoon session (12.30 - 3.30 pm).  Children attend for 15 hours a week from Monday to Friday.  It is free to attend the Nursery.  We offer flexibility with the sessions children attend using their 15 hours of funding.

We also offer full time Nursery places (9.00 am - 3.30 pm).  We offer 30 hour free childcare places if parents meet the eligibility criteria.  We also offer the option of paying for additional sessions if parents do not meet the eligibility criteria for 30 hours free childcare.

We admit children into the Nursery the half term after their 3rd birthday (if there are places available).  You can put your child’s name on our waiting list after their 2nd birthday.  To apply for a place in the Nursery please complete a ‘Nursery place enquiry form’.  You can also collect this form from the school office.  Please return the completed form via email, post or hand it in at the school office.

You will receive a letter from school the half term before your child is due to start asking you to attend an admission appointment where paperwork will be completed and you will be given your child’s start date.  You will also be given a date to attend a welcome meeting with one of the Nursery teachers.


We are a two form entry school and admit 60 children into Reception at Childeric through Lewisham’s co-ordinated admissions process.
More information can be found at

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 then you will need to apply for a place at a primary school by 15th January 2025.  To apply for a place in the 2025-2026 Reception you need to apply online at

Please collect an ‘Applying to start primary school 2025-26’ leaflet from the school office if you require one.  Please remember that you do not automatically receive a place in the Reception at Childeric if your child attends our Nursery.

When you complete the application you need to list up to 6 primary schools that you would like to apply to.
You must attach proof of parental responsibility and proof of permanent address with the application.  We are happy to scan and attach these for you at the office.
If you need any assistance completing the application then please see Natalie Taylor (Admissions & Attendance Manager) or Valarie Williams (Community Support Leader).
We can arrange an appointment to assist you with the online application.
In line with the Lewisham co-ordinated admissions process, priority is given in the following order: Children in public care, Children with exceptional medical or social need, Children with a sibling on roll at the school, Children living nearest to the school.

Lewisham Admissions will inform you of which school your child will be attending on 16th April 2025.
If your child receives a place at Childeric then you will be invited to an admission appointment and then a welcome meeting prior to your child starting in September 2025.

If you are a prospective parent and would like a tour of the school then please phone or email to arrange a convenient time.

In Year

Children can be admitted to Childeric throughout the year when vacancies arise in Reception and Years 1-6.  This process is co-ordinated by Lewisham Admissions.  More information can be found at:

Parents/Carers that wish to proceed with a transfer must complete an online application via the Lewisham Parent Portal:

Places are offered in line with Lewisham’s Admissions procedures.

Once Lewisham Admissions notify us of a child to admit to Childeric then we write to you with an admission appointment and from there a start date is organised.