School Meals
A hot school meal is available at lunchtime. Please see below for a copy of the school menu. A copy of the menu is also available from the school office.
Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch to school. Please ensure that this contains healthy items e.g. sandwich, fruit and a yoghurt. Children should not bring sweets, fizzy drinks, food that needs to be heated or items containing nuts (due to children having allergies).
School meals are free for all pupils in Reception - Year 6 for the 2023-24 academic year. This is being funded through the Mayor of London's office at City Hall.
Nursery meals cost £2.50 a day or £12.50 a week. Payment for school meals must always be made in advance as we operate a no debt policy. Payment should be made via ParentPay:
If you have any queries regarding payment for school meals then please speak to a member of the office team.
If you think that your child may be entitled to free school meals then please speak to a member of the office team. This provides additional Pupil Premium funding to the school.
You can apply for free school meals online via 'Sims Online Free School Meals':
If you have any queries about free school meals then please contact Natalie by email or phone the school office.